Inner Healing Prayer
Agape Counseling - a ministry of inner healing and restoration – has been very effective in "healing wounds that run deep".
Highly effective in dealing with past traumas, abuse, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
An approach in ministry dealing with emotions and psychological pain that brings true, lasting results. It brings restoration to the brokenhearted.
Do you have daily struggles? Fears from within? Face overwhelming challenges? Still have unresolved issues?
Identifying and exposing lies – allowing the Lord to reveal truth and bring healing is your answer.
Truly the "greater things" that Jesus spoke of.
A powerful method, not counseling, but rather ministry.
Counseling based on logic and reasoning will not release the pain from historical woundedness.
Your past isn't your past if you haven't dealt with it; you may be living it in the present.
Heal the past to redeem the future.
Thousands of therapists, counselors, and pastors are now using this method of ministry with astounding results.
Regent University in Virginia polled over 5,000 counselors who stated that this type of Inner Healing Therapy has proven to be the most effective means that most have ever used in helping emotionally hurting people.
Go to our website and click on About Us, then Client Testimonials.